We are proud to have participated in the prestigious EUROBLECH Ha.
Fuar serüvenimizin son durağı ise İtalya’ydı. 28-3.
Mayıs boyunca katıldığımız üçüncü fua.
Mayıs fuarları serüveninin ikinci durağı Budapeşte&rsqu.
Armendus olarak, Mayıs ayı boyunca katılım sağladığımız .
Armendus has participated in the Bumatech 2023 Fair. We are excit.
We are excited to announce our participation in the MAKTEK 2023 F.
It was our pleasure to receive all international participants and.
We are excited to share with you our participation in SPS Italy t.
Armendus Team visited Imtex Exhibition held in India on January 2.
For more detailed information about our products, you can check our product catalogues.